The childhood of a human being lasts less than a lifetime. The child may still be alive inside hiding from the scary adult world that surrounds them, but the adult that had always been inside the child is released to create a new life. Wondering how the world works is the most important thing a person has to do on a day-to-day basis. We end our lives within a second, same as it begins. We spend the first 18 years of our life learning the foundation for which shapes the rest of our lives. Oh to joy, the dreaded years they are, but turn out to be one of the best times of you're life.
From Pre-K to Senior year, those comments of being upset or down, rage threw our mouths on a day to day basis. Upset in the will that the year drags on, and waking up early every day keeps you tired indefinitely. The power be to the person you are. Being whether or not you like the daily schedule you are faced with throughout those, 14 or so years or if you understand the point of such slow paced learning. If you understand, you come to accept the fact that school is better than no school and that the daily schedule is just life. You get breaks, many of them, why need more.
As that child progresses into an adult in the early teen years, the childhood is slowly become a term instead of reality. The play toys are put on the shelf, the bicycle is thrown in the shed, and the towel is no longer a cape. I, being a teen, know for a fact that the child is only lost due to the thirst for popularity. As you may know, some kids want is to be, in term "popular" and of course, get the girls, win the games, and go to parties. Releasing the crazy kid inside of you is something you do in private or with your close friends. In modern society people are more open to being themselves, keeping the child alive, and still staying humanly popular.
You will in the end know that those years, though they may be terrible due to boy drama, girl drama, or even your own drama, they will always be the best time of your life. Remembering the parties and the friends, or even just the satisfaction of getting an A on the last test of the year is enough to get you through the years in the rest of your life. Teens, let the child go, be yourself and enjoy the person you are .
Makenna!This is amazing! I had no idea that you wrote THIS good :)Wow, you are sooo deep! Haha, Im glad I checked out your blog! Love you!!! <3