Apparently, One good day is too much to ask for. You wish for a single day in a year that has barely started yet, but hasn't started off to the best of its ability. Even though, people tell you that you have the choice to make your day better, How are you going to make a day better when you feel as if your insides are trying to punch through your skin, a close relative died or one of your best friends stabbed you in the back so hard, that you lost sight of what reality really is? Those simple but common things break us down and make us into monsters of society.
Do you understand that someones feelings can get hurt with every word you say? I bet you don't. The first instinct of some people is to comfort the person or persons, who's day has melted into a puddle of tears. That isn't always the best thing to do. Just showing a concern for the person who has been hurt and letting them know you care is probably the best thing you can do, because I honestly wouldn't want a bunch of people coming up to me and screaming "What's wrong?" in my face. Then again, there are those inconsiderate lifeless boys who just want to get a laugh out of their friends and will try and put you down. I really hope you know that they are only doing it to make themselves look all macho and tough. Its called being a douche and its common in men (Boys!) who are cocky as hell. They just want a rise out of you but the best thing you can do is sink your face back into your book and put in your headphones. IGNORE THEM. Also, Ignore those snobby loud girls who may sit behind you. Sure, they are badmouthing random people, but they only do it to make themselves seem superior.
I just want to make clear though, that these "snobby" girls aren't always the stereotypical cheerleaders. They could be anyone! They are the ones who no one likes, but everyone hangs around because they are either rich, are friends with attractive people or, to guys, have a nice ass. These are the people who throw backhanded compliments, give dirty nasty looks to people they have never talked to before and make their put-downs public, through facebook, twitter or just talking to loud. I am not singling anyone out in this. BUT, this message is to all the girls who do that, "SHUT UP!" Understand that you can hurt someones feelings with every word you say, even if it is behind their back to people who don't even talk to that person.
A little advice from me: When you have a bad day, single yourself off from people. You can talk to your best friends about it if you really want, but don't make it a huge scene. No one likes attention whores. Don't completely cut yourself off from the people at school, but keeping away from the people who would tease you if they saw you crying stops drama and may make your day just a little more calm and peaceful. If the bad day started the day before, wear some comfy lazy clothes to school. Tight jeans and flowery uncomfortable shirts, metaphorically, hold in all your emotions. One day of letting yourself go, wearing no make-up, hair in a pony tail and wearing slippers to school will let you feel a little more relaxed and wont bring you that much attention. Honestly, just take that bad day as a lesson because for every few bad days, there is always a really good one to follow.
Love is all you need. You may be having a bad day, but don't panic. There is always a light at the end of that tunnel.