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Saturday, May 14, 2011


Her heart is falling to pieces as the texts sprint back to her phone. Sorry, sorry, sorry, they all said; Excuses, Excuses. No one to complain about it to. School overcomes all. Nothing to help you break lose. Friendships built stronger than the materials trying to create the new. It's not as easy as it looks to create a new relationship that will be worth while. Kindergarten decisions to link arms with others and call those people friends are not possible.

Alone. Stuck in this world where you must try hard as you can to do something that can take little effort from others. The same situation as when you're dating and you lose their heart. It takes effort to not cry in front of them and its one of the hardest things you have ever done. Would you understand me? Do you understand me? I am alone. You are too. Stop being a faker and staying with the past and see what is right in front of you and has been here the entire time. I will be your hero.

Friends are the most important thing in life. If you don't have them, you consider yourself an outsider. You sit by yourself at lunch and feel trapped in a box. Other people don't give a shit. They wont talk to you or even look at you and when they do its to tease you. A feel like falling down a hole and staying there forever sensation. Live in there forever and never come out. That's how I truly feel. An outcast on the edge of total insanity. Just look at yourself in the mirror and wondering if that person is you.

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